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The Pretata College Alumni Association is a place to learn more about the industry, connect with others in the field, share, learn and give back to the world around us.


To be a professional Christ- centred advancement team supporting the College’s goals in resource mobilization development and alumni liaisons, to church, workplaces, and society.


To mobilize the alumni to support the advancement of Pretata College by cultivating a giving culture, developing long term relationships with alumni and supporters, growing community outreach for both alumni and current students to foster the image of Pretata College.


Servant-Leadership, Integrity, Discipline, Hard Work, Commitment

Enjoy Benefits & Privileges

Access College facilities

With Pretata Alumni Card you will be able to access the college facilities like sports, parking, library and many more.

Study from College Library

Our Alumni can access the college library, study from there, borrow books, access all library online materials and many more

Career Opportunity Updates

We give the first priority to our Alumni to any job opening in our college, we encourage our alumni to register with us.